The interesting about THE ZOMBIES

channels4 profile

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1. Zombies are undead creatures that can survive in harsh environments, with temperatures as low as -40°F and freezing levels of humidity. They have been known to survive up to ten days without food or water.

2. Zombies are immune to most conventional forms of injury, including bullets and blunt force trauma, making them incredibly difficult to kill. However, they can be destroyed through the use of fire or other extreme measures.

3. While zombies may appear lifeless and emotionless on the outside, many researchers believe that they are able to experience feelings internally and can even exhibit signs of cognitive processing when exposed to certain stimuli.

4. Zombies may respond differently depending on the type of stimulus presented: musical cues might cause them to sing, while visual cues may result in an attempt to move closer.

5. Some zombies are able to communicate verbally with their victims, although these conversations tend to be brief and incoherent. Other possible types of communication include body language and facial expressions.

6. Zombies have been known to cooperate to complete tasks, either through commands or by mimicking the actions of others. This suggests that they may possess a form of basic intelligence.

7. Zombies can spread infection quickly because they bite and feed on living humans, thereby spreading their virus further into the population. In some cases, the virus can even jump from host to host without direct contact between the two individuals involved.

8. Zombies have an incredibly strong sense of smell, which has been attributed to their heightened level of awareness about the environment around them and their ability to detect nearby potential prey. This can be used to help track down humans for feeding purposes.

9. Zombies can regenerate lost body parts, making them nearly impossible to keep dead once they revive from death.

10. Studies into zombie behavior suggest that they may possess a form of memory, as they’ve been known to remember past experiences with certain individuals or locations even after extended periods apart. This suggests that zombies are capable of learning and adapting over time – a phenomenon that could prove incredibly dangerous in the event of a real-world zombie outbreak.

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